Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas tree farm, and Is there a Santa?

We made our traditional trip to the tree farm on one rainy, muddy night. I forgot to take a picture of Russ hacking it down, but here he is after he had netted it. There was absolutely no one else there and we made it just before they closed, and just in time to see Santa. This is as close as BJ would get. It's the first time I've ever seen him be afraid of someone!

Bumpy and Sissy didn't want to sit on his knee or actually tell him what they wanted, but at least they stood near him for a picture... I think they just wanted a candy cane.

Anyway, the next day Ammon told me that Santa doesn't exsist, that it makes much more sense that it's moms and dads that play Santa. I thought he was a little young to quit believing in Santa, and I felt like if I really assured him that Santa was real, that he would still believe. But I couldn't do it. He was looking at me with that, "I'm trusting you to tell me the truth" look, so I told him that no, there is no Santa. But, he's not allowed to tell his sister or friends who still believe. He seems so grown up sometimes! But then he has problems making it to the potty and still throws tantrums, and I think that he doesn't act old enough. I guess I can't win either way.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Sounds familiar! Dave did that last year. He said, "Is there a Santa? For real?" with his big brown eyes. We said "Yes! And we've seen who it is!" He still didn't believe us. So I told him the secret. "Dave, everyone has a different Santa, yours is your Mom and Dad. Surprise!" And then we swore him to secrecy too. They grow up too fast.