Sunday, January 17, 2010

Christmas 09

We had a great Christmas this year. Kind of laid back with no big plans, and sometimes that is the best way. I feel like I was able to focus on Christ a bit more than usual and pass that on to my kids as well. I forgot to get pictures of a lot of things, unfortunately, but I did get some. here is BJ in his stockings. I just couldn't keep them hung up-- they were too fun to wear!
We made our annual gingerbread house, but this year it turned into...

a gingerbread stable, thanks to one of my collapsing walls and creative family. The nativity characters were then made out of cinnamon bears and santas.

And here is our little Nakey boy, about to open his Christmas PJs.
And of course, the donning of the PJ's. We also had a birthday cake for Jesus on Christmas Eve (didn't get pictures) and had the kids sing and blow out candles. Sissy didn't really get it-- she kept asking how Jesus was going to get his cake when he doesn't live here.
Here is Sissy and her "fuzzy balls" that she got from Santa. It was the number one thing on her wishlist ever since we saw them at JoAnn's and I told her that she would have to ask Santa for them.

BJ got a wooden tool set.
Ammon got a bike, which I failed to get a picture of. Here he is figuring ot the cypher that tells him where the bike is hidden.

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