Thursday, June 5, 2008


Well, I've been tagged by Heidi and don't have much else to blog about so here goes:

5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. Was home for the summer from BYU living with my parents
2. Doing an internship at Singing Valley Vet Hospital in San Diego
3. Dating Eric, who I met at a singles harbor cruise dance.
4. Riding my bike everywhere I went.
5. Eating anything I wanted and staying skinny as a rail.

5 things on my to do list:
1. Paint the bathroom
2. Put away all winter coats/clothes
3. Shop for stuff for my girl's getaway
4. Get car maintenance done
5. Pick up flooring for my kitchen

5 favorite snacks/food:
1. Perogies
2. Tillamook ice cream
3. dark chocolate
4. Russell's Mexican goodstuff
5. Homemade bread

5 things I would do if I was a billionaire:
1. Get out of debt!!!!
2. Enjoy not having to be frugal (although I think I still would)
3. Buy a house that needs no repairs and is completely eco-friendly.
4. Give give give!
5. Learn how to invest well so I could make my money grow and help more people.

5 bad habits:
1. Sleeping in (when the opportunity presents itself, which is not often, and then I feel guilty because Russ is the one who gets so little sleep)
2. Leaving piles of clean clothes not put away.
3. Eating too much chocolate
4. Yelling at my kids to not yell at me.
5. Reading blogs instead of cleaning the house.

5 Places I've lived:
1. SLC, UT
2. San Diego, CA
3. Provo, UT
4. Lafayette, IN
5. Longview, WA

5 People I'm Tagging (Yep! You guys gotta do this now)
1. Catherine
2. Becky
3. Charlotte
4. Kerry
5. Gigi


Unknown said...

Thanks Marisa I will have to post mine now!

Gigi said...

Sorry I didn't do the tag Marisa. I did the same one on the blog I had before this one and didn't want to repeat myself since it wasn't too long ago. Thanks for thinking of me though! BTW I loved reading about you.