Sunday, August 17, 2008

Happy Birthday Russ!

Yesterday was Russell's birthday. As usual, it was a low-key celebration and I had to remind him how old he was. He has been complaining lately about feeling old. I'm pretty sure that most people wouldn't consider thirty-anything old. To me he has an amazing amount of energy and drive to accomplish everything he does. He is a great dad and a great husband! I am a very lucky woman!
We had a yummy dark dark chocolate cake-- we were in fact surprised that the kids even liked it because it wasn't very sweet. But here is the baby boy, upset because we wouldn't give him any more.
Anyway, Russ spent a majority of his birthday working and then building our bathroom vanity (Yea!) I can't wait until it's done and we can officially kick the kids out of our little downstairs bathroom. I will post pictures of the whole bathroom when it's done.

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