Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A visit to the zoo

We had a fun trip to the zoo yesterday, after the kids were fairly patient with waiting while we shopped for some eco-friendly home remodeling supplies. They have a dinosaur exhibit right now that was really fun!
Ammon didn't like the loud roar of T-Rex. Sissy was quite scared of it. She was scared most of time at the dinosaur, actually, although on the way home she said it was her favorite part of the zoo. One of the dinosaurs they showed eating another dinosaur. I was trying to get her to talk about the long necks on the dinosaurs, but she was stuck on the fact that she thought they would bite her neck.

These pictures are kind of dark, but there is a bear right on the other side of

the glass that was pacing back and forth.Weird picture, I know. I like how both the bear and Sissy are sticking their tongues out.

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