Saturday, April 25, 2009

Easter, belated

I got to help out with the Easter party at Sissy's preschool. The kids had a fun little Easter egg hunt (okay, and rush-into-the-room-and-grab-8-eggs hunt.) But they had fun. Here is Sissy making her bunny ears.
Here's the kids with their Easter baskets after church. Picture time at my house apparently means "make a silly face." This is the best picture of them that I got in their Sunday Easter clothes. Isnt' that sad?

We did have a great egg hunt in our yard the saturday before Easter.

We also colored eggs, of course, which the kids really enjoyed. We tried to teach our kids the reason behind Easter, and I'm not sure if they got the message. Too much candy and excitement. We did have a good talk about it though and a good lesson for FHE. I think Ammon does get it. I suppose there is hope for the other 2. They are still young.
Personally I really felt extra gratitude for my Savior this Easter. I am so thankful for the atonement and resurrection. Without them I certainly would be a lost soul.
Happy Easter, a little belated. But it's still April!

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