Saturday, June 6, 2009

Mem Day

So we are as guilty as anybody for not really celebrating Memorial Day by remembering anything or anyone. We did have a fun bikeride/picnic at the lake though. Perfect weather and Russ off work just made for a great day. Sissy actually did a pretty good job riding her bike, and since then I have taken her with me on her bike to walk the lake a couple of times. Her biking speed is about my walking speed, so it works out pretty good. Well, except that last time I ended up with BJ walking, Sissy in the stroller, with me carrying the bike. Anyway, back to Memorial Day. Ammon caught his first fish! he was pretty excited. And of course I had to cook them so we could have them for dinner even though they were caught in Toxic Lake. Okay, Lake Sacajawea, really, but I really don't know what's in there. The kids loved the fish, and I thought it was icky (how often does that happen??)

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