Sunday, May 31, 2009

My youngest is 2!

I officially no longer have an infant!  And although we tend to treat him as our baby, my little guy is growing up.   Since his birthday is right after Sissy's, I was kind of birthdayed out.  Good thing he's too little to care if he didn't much attention payed to his birthday.  I did try to make him a dinner that he would love-- so I made plain beans, perogies, applesauce, and sausage.  It was a big hit-- I don't think I've ever seen him eat everthing on his plate before!   Here he is blowing out his candles (on a cake mix and left-over frosting cake):

Oh, and apparently he didn't get enough applesauce on his plate, so we let him help himself from the jar!
A couple of simple presents, and he was as happy as can be.

A few days ago I decided to see if he'd sleep on the toddler bed that has been up in his room for a while.   No problem-o!  I had to snap a picture of his first big bed slumber.  And yes, his face really is that red because his room was very warm.

And here he is just being his typical self-- climbing on something.
He is one adventurous kid.  I keep meaning to bring my camera up to the school playground because for a few months he has been climbing up to the top of a big A-frame structure.  It scared me to death at first, but I am now confident that he can do it without falling.  Sissy can climb it as well, but still gets scared at the top.
We also had his doctor's appointment and his doctor is referring us to the Progress Center because of his lack of speaking.  He actually has picked up a few more words lately, but is way behind for his age.  I'm not sure how I feel about it.  I think that he will catch up eventually, but I also want to give him every chance to do that.  I'll see what they say at the center when I talk to them.
Anyway, here are some of his favorite things right now:
Bike trailer rides
Anything sweet
Animals, especially cats and birds
His pacifier (unfortunately he's formed a new even stronger attachment to it)
Nursery at church
Hair clips

1 comment:

Heidi F. said...

Hopefully our experience will help you a little. Benjamin was also slow to talk and worked with a speach therapist for six months. He loved the one-on-one time with her! She said he was slower in speach because he was so active. She worked on his fine motor skills (stacking little blocks, doing puzzles, etc.) as they help build language skills. They're easy to do at home and should help.