Monday, October 26, 2009

Ammon's Star Future

Ammon: Mom, I think I know what I'm going to be when I grow up.

Me: Really? What?

Ammon: A comic writer. Have you ever heard of star wars?

Me: Umm.. yes.

Ammon: That's what I want to call my comic.

Me: Okay, but you know what Star Wars is, don't you? Is that what you're writing about?

Ammon: Oh ya... I forgot about that Star Wars.

Me: Maybe you'd better come up with a different name for your comic.

Ammon: Okay, but it's going to hard to think of another name, because it's about star people who go to war.

1 comment:

MarySquare said...

When I first read "comic writer" I thought, "writer for a stand-up comic or comedy show." My little sister when she was just a few years older than Ammon used to say she wanted to be a stand-up comic when she grew up -- that line reminded me of her.