Thursday, October 8, 2009

Still catching up on August!

We went on a 2 night camping trip in August-- one last hurrah before the grind of seminary and school. I didn't snap a lot of pictures except on our hike, but it was beautiful at Lake Sylvia and a great place for camping with the kiddos. We didn't do a whole lot other than a short hike, playing, fishing, and hanging around the campsite. The second night it rained ALL NIGHT LONG so instead of another hike in the morning like we'd planned, we threw all our soaking wet stuff in the car and headed home. Overall a good trip, although I really hope that next time we can get BJ to sleep in the kids tent and not smashed between Russ and I.

BJ did end up being carried for most of the hike. Then there was one spot that he wanted to stop and play (there were some little side trails with places for the kids to hide and such,) but when we were done and hiking on, he was not. We thought if we just left him he would eventually follow, but no, not my stubborn little one. We walked until he couldn't see us and still he stood there screaming. And screaming. And screaming. Russ finally went back and carried him, kicking and screaming. When that boy wants something, it is impossible to distract him from it!

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