Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A little catching up

I feel like I've fallen off the blogging bandwagon lately.  Maybe it's that nothing exciting is going on, or just that I'm  not keeping up with it all right now.  I'm tired of feeling behind.  And then there are distractions such as the book I'm reading-- "The Host" by Stephanie Meyer.  That's kept me up a few late nights so I'm tired, too.
Anyway, not a lot of interest has happened around here.  I guess that's a good thing.   Sissy had a renal ultrasound and it was all normal.  We have taken her off the antibiotics to see how she does. So far so good.  We've been drinking a lot of cranberry juice.  
Ammon had his first sleepover!  His friends that live a few houses down wanted him to come over to sleep in their tree fort.  We said no because we don't even know the kids parents.  But we allowed them to sleep here in the tent in the back yard.   It was a bit crazy, but they had a lot of fun.  He is doing great in school-- the only hitch we've had is the PE teacher calling us because he wouldn't do curl-ups.  He doesn't like to lay on his back and look up at the high ceiling (he's got a bit of agorophobia.)  Sissy is loving every minute of preschool.  It's working out great for Julie and I to trade off babies as well so we can have a couple hours kid-free to get some things done, or take a nap.  I will be able to post some pictures of my bathroom soon-- I've been working on the baseboards.  
It's been a good weekend so far.  While we listened to conference today, Russell transformed this IKEA table:                                           

 into this (so we can use it with the benches he also finished:)

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