Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Aunties and Apples

It's been a busy week at our house! Thank goodness for my pampered chef peeler corer slicer- it is helping to process the almost 200 lbs. of apples we got from our friends whose parents have orchards in Eastern Oregon. Yummy!

We had a fun weekend playing with Aunt Natalia (Auntie Yiya) who came to visit us. Unfortunately, even though my camera has been working again, I am horrible at remembering to take pictures. Sissy really tried for me though (see pictures.) I did have Ammon catch Sissy in the imitating act the other day though. Her bear was hungry, so she had to "give him a boob."

She also asked me later that day to "put some peanut butter on my boobies." I guess she thought the milk would taste better that way?!

Anyway, we took a fun drive up to Mt. Saint Helens. Beatiful weather and gorgeous views made for a great day. Natalia took lots of pics, so if I can get her to email some to me I will post them later. It's great to have a sister- especially one who thinks it's a great getaway to come visit with her sister with little munchkins to clobber and slobber her. We did get a little time to ourselves at the RS super saturday, and having an adventure on the way to the airport. We got a flat tire-- no problem, we could handle that (although the lugnuts gave us some issues.) But then the spare went flat. Uh-oh, stranded. We were able to get someone to come get the tire and take it to fix it, but only after carrying the tire to Cosco only to find out that they didn't carry the size we needed, as evidenced by the circular grease stains now on my sweatshirt.

For any who are wondering, my parents are fine in San Diego. Just a little bothered by smoke and falling ash.

Bedtime for me-goodnight!

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Hi Marisa! How cool to "see" you again. I was just thinking about you because my mom is giving me her canning equipment and the last time I was around canning was when you guys had a blueberry jam canning demonstration.

How long have you been in Washington? How cool that we're neighbors.