Monday, October 15, 2007

The Tooth Prayer

We have been struggling lately to get Ammon to say his own prayers that aren't rushed and the same thing over and over again. It took him a loooong time to even want to say prayers by himself, so I try not to push him, but to make him understand how important prayers are. So yesterday Ammon discovered that he has a loose tooth! (Somehow I had no problem with my child starting school, but this makes him seem so grown up I can't believe it!) Anyway, he was very thrilled and couldn't wait for it to fall out. In fact, when he was saying his prayers last night he prayed that his tooth would come out in the morning, or in the afternoon, or in the evening. And that was the extent of his prayer. Okay, so he's getting the idea- you pray about what is important at the time. I worried that he would be disappointed when his tooth didn't fall out in one day and wonder why his prayer wasn't answered. Well, he's a five year old. This morning he didn't even remember which tooth it is.

I love fall! Even though it is rainy here, it's beautiful with all the fall colors. I even pressed some leaved in waxed paper and hung them in the windows. I haven't done that since I was a kid.

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