Friday, October 12, 2007

The I-can-dress-myself marathon

So sometimes it is a wonderful thing when my child learns how to do something for herself, seeing as my time is now divided between 3 kids, a husband, a million house projects, and the usual demands of a stay-at-home mom. Talia loves to dress herself now, but here's how it went this morning: Mommy says "Sissy, please get dressed." at 8:00-Took off jammie top, 8:15 took off jammie bottoms, 8:30 took off pull-up, 8:35 puts on swimsuit, 8:45 takes off swimsuit, 9:00 puts on shirt and pants, 9:10 takes off shirt and pants and puts on swimsuit (inside out), 9:30, takes off swimsuit, 9:40 puts on pull-up, 9:45 puts on different pants, 9:46 takes off pants, 9:50 puts on shirt but takes off pull-up, 9:55 puts pants on without pull-up, 9:56 wants swimsuit on again, but we are supposed to leave the house at 10, so I wrestle her down and get her dressed. Now it's time for the hair....

Anyway, I've been sucked into the world of blogging. I've wanted to start one for some time, but always have an excuse not to. Right now my camera is barely functional-- I can get one picture if I'm lucky, then have to charge it again. My computer is slow, I don't have time, I don't have anything to write, blah blah. But here I am. I have really enjoyed keeping up with some old friends lately by reading their blogs. So if I can figure this all out (yea, I just got my picture up) I will post at least every few days. Forgive me if some of what I post is memories, since there are a lot of things that my kids have done that I wish I had recorded and now only remember if something sparks it.


Christy said...

Welcome to blogland!

Heather S. said...

Glad to see you've got a blog. Your family sure is growing. It'll be fun to keep in contact.

heidi and tom said...

Yea, yea!! I'll add you to mine!


Charlotte said...

I love it Marisa! Great job!

Maren said...

So glad you caved in to peer pressure this time. :)

Mary said...

Thanks for blogging! I can't wait to read more about you cute family!