Friday, January 18, 2008

11 ways we're saving money and the environment

I'd thought I'd share some of the things Russ and I are up to as far as our goals for saving the environment and money this year. Okay, so an odd thing to post about after just telling you about my new van, but still...
Living in Washington has brought more of the green out in us.

  1. Replacing paper napkins and towels with cloth napkins and towels.
  2. Using reusable grocery bags (and the savings comes in because the store will give us $.06 for every bag reused.
  3. Washing and reusing ziploc baggies.
  4. Washing and reusing aluminum foil.
  5. Buying in bulk.
  6. Replacing regular light bulbs with CFL's as they burn out.
  7. Teaching our children not to waste electricity and water.
  8. Using the Keeper
  9. Buying used clothes (not that this is new to us)
  10. Walking and biking whenever possible.
  11. Using 100% recycled toilet paper (made from recycled regular paper)

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Don't you love washington because all this stuff is cool?

I get "cash back" for my reusable bags too, but they're huge so that two bags fill the cart. I'd really like to get those organic cotton produce bags because I still use the plastic ones at the store.

Do you like the Keeper? I've heard good things about the Diva Cup. Same idea, different brand.