Friday, February 1, 2008

I'm comin' to getcha!

BJ's finally learned how to crawl! He's not very efficient at it, but when he sees something he wants, he can get there pretty quickly. His efforts at crawling are almost always accompanied by a growlish sort of baby noise of the sort that makes you think that he's trying to get into mischief. The down side to the crawling is that he can also sit himself up when he is lying down. This has made getting him to sleep more difficult. If he's not dead tired he sits himself up and won't lay back down-- just screams louder and louder until someone rescues him. He is also pulling up into a standing position and can almost cruise. I don't think the crawling will last long.
Anyway, said child is now trying to get up on the computer chair. I will have to sign off although there is so much more to tell. I think I would blog more, but I spend too much time reading other people's blogs. I enjoy it though!

1 comment:

heidi and tom said...

WOW impressive!!! Benjamin refuses to get up on his knees, although he does push ups(not the girly kind) on a regular basis. How old is BJ now?