Monday, February 11, 2008

Diapers or no diapers

So I've done it, I took the plunge, and my #12 thing we are doing for the environment and to save money is using cloth diapers. Thanks to Julie for lending me a bunch of stuff until I can figure out what I want to buy and find a deal. They are definitely more work, but really not so bad. I would definitely recommend starting out in cloth if you're thinking about it-- since it's a little easier with newborns, and because once you're used to the convenience of disposables it's harder to switch. We weren't planning on using cloth for Sissy, but I also forgot to buy diapers. So, we ran out of diapers. I asked her what we were going to do, then kind of helped her come up with "Oh, I'll go on the potty!" So we've been working on it. It's going okay. She has problems with poop. I'm determined to stick with it though. I have nothing to put her in except underwear and a couple of cloth diapers that fit her that we have been using at night.

Last week was a little crazy. I was busy with figuring out cloth diapers for BJ, potty training Sissy, preparing a talk and a RS lesson for Sunday. Plus BJ cut a tooth, Ammon seems to have forgotten how to use the toilet, I have been asked to teach yet another RS lesson, plus have been planning and having scout meetings. Then there was the flat tire day (bike and car). Russ has been extremely busy with work and seminary. So of course my house is one gigantic mess right now, but I am avoiding it for now. I am too tired. I also realized that if I try to blog about everything I never post anything. So one thing at a time. Sleep first.


Kerry said...

Julie my cousin? Just curious! You are a brave woman! I am also having a tough time with Logan and poop. I think of you often and your struggles in that area, so if you have any advice, please throw it my way!

And you know I sympathize with the seminary spouse bit. I feel like we don't have a lot of family time due to him preparing, but it hasn't been too bad otherwise. I just don't get up with him in the mornings!

heidi and tom said...

You make my "bad days" seem like a walk in the park! YOU are truly amazing Marisa May!

love you sc!

Marisa May said...

Yes, it's your cousin Julie. She is awesome! You should come out and visit us.

NW Varneys said...

Hey, I made your blog! And YOU are awesome. I meant to ask you-- did you find your keys? And did you get pictures of your cake before it was devoured? :)

NW Varneys said...

Oh, and you're welcome. I get too excited about becoming more green. Good thing our husbands are on board.