Wednesday, February 6, 2008

pardon my venting

Thanks, I feel better. I don't know what to do with Ammon. He gets so out of control over really minor stuff. Right now he's working on his second hour of screaming over my not letting him climb over the back seat of the van. He screamed all the way home from school, so I told him he needed to calm down by the time he got into the house or no TV for today. So he stayed outside and screamed until he got too cold and came in screaming that I had made him stay outside. So he came downstairs and screamed until I sent him to his room. I checked in on him, and tried to get him to calm down so that I could put BJ down for a nap, but he screamed harder because his head hurt from screaming. Maybe he needs a blog to vent his frustrations....


Kerry said...

Marisa, I am so sorry! Maybe he needs some sort of outlet? My friend has been having some behavioral issues with her kindergartner too, and she was thinking of getting him a punching bag, or something similar. She thinks he just doesn't know how to express what he is feeling properly, so he gets frustrated and throws fits. Good luck! I wish i knew how to help!

Charlotte said...

How about

Hang in there!

heidi and tom said...

Dude, that does NOT sound like fun. I'm sorry you are having to deal with such issues. You are one STRONG woman Marisa May!!! Hang in there! Just think of our "CG get-away"! It can't get here soon enough huh?

love ya SC,