Friday, February 29, 2008

My "Little grown-up"

I'm a lion!

I don't want my picture taken right now, but my skirt is on over my pants.

This swimsuit apron makes me a princess. doesn't it?

Sissy doesn't like being called a "big girl" anymore, she prefers "little grown-up." Potty training is going very well, although we still have some things to work on. I am amazed though that she gets through naps and nighttime without wetting.

I've always let my children dress themselves when they are able, and sometimes that can lead to some interesting outfits or way of wearing clothes. Above are some examples of how Sissy has dressed recently.

Visit back soon for "Ammon's forgetful tooth fairy" and "Yea! No training wheels!"

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Cute! I think I'm too quick to do everything for my kids. Although I do let them wear the exact same batman shirts for an entire week at a time.