Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Ammon's haircut and a little attitude

Ammon is a funny kid. The other day we were talking about the haircut he was going to get that evening. Russ told him that he should get a mohawk. He liked the idea, and insisted that was the haircut he wanted. Okay, he really only got to keep it for about 10 minutes. Enough time to get some "attitude" pictures. I think they turned out pretty cute. Oops, I mean really cool.

There is something that I forgot to blog about a few weeks ago that I was just thinking about. Ammon is extremely shy when it comes to doing anything in front of people. He has never gone up to sing with the primary in church, the times he's had to give a talk in primary he hides behind me and I end up giving the talk. Well, recently he was asked to give the scripture in primary. Not only did he get up there to give it all by himself-- he read it without help! (We had gone over the words beforehand.) I am so proud of him. It was a huge step for him. Here are the kids having fun in their new wading pool. It's actually been warm enough to use it. Yea!

1 comment:

heidi and tom said...

Way to go, Ammon!! I'll bet you were happy about that step!!