Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Happy 4th! (Belated, of course)

Me and Becky

Russ (yes, the bald one)

Janie, Sheila, Robin, Nicole

Ammon, Talia


We had a great 4th of July this year. It started out with the annual church breakfast, where I was able to sing a few patriotic songs with Jami, Julie, and Erin. We have a lot of fun singing togther, and I hope that we were able to get everyone in the mood for Independence Day.

This year with everything going on in our country, I heard a lot of negative things and a lot of people who didn't want to celebrate. I really feel though that we do have many many wonderful things to celebrate in this country. The freedoms we enjoy are remarkable. Our founding fathers knew what they were doing and were led by God when they drafted the constitution.

We had a fun BBQ/fireworks show at our friends the Glenn's house in the evening. The kids behaved themselves amazingly well considering how late we kept them up. The weather was cool and a bit drizzly, but what else is to be expected around here? It didn't ruin the fun, but I felt bad the next day when I found that Sissy's neck and face were covered in bug bites. Ammon was just completely covered in mud. I had to make him stop running around with the boys for a couple of minutes so he could wolf down a hot dog. It was great to not fight the crowds for fireworks, and to put the baby to bed at their house. They put on a good show, and Ammon only got a little scared, and Sissy actually watched, but with her ears covered and cuddled up with daddy.

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