Thursday, July 3, 2008

What lessons do I need to learn?

I was just thinking this morning. Surprising, I know. No, really, I was thinking about my children and the challenge they are to me on a daily basis. I can't remember the last time that I had a day with my kids that at some point I wasn't frustrated. Do all moms experience this? Do all mom's struggle to get their children to do a simple chore, not fight with one another, not have potty accidents at 6 1/2 years old, not scream and whine to get what they want? I am not feeling like a very good mother today. It is complicated right now by the fact that Sissy has a UTI that is making her very ill and she is whinier than usual. I really try to keep positive about being a stay-at-home mom, but it is hard. I hear from so many people that when my kids grow up I will miss the days when they were small. Perhaps that is true, but probably only because I will have forgotten about how draining it is physically and emotionally. So back to what I was thinking. I feel that everything happens for a purpose. What lessons do I need to learn from my children? Patience? Was I given these children with such strong personalities to strengthen me? It is a little overwhelming that I am so responsible for my children's health and well-being. Okay, so now I am feeling guilty as I think of mothers of children with disabilities and problems that are so far beyond the scope of my children's problems.

So I am going to be more positive. I will enjoy the happy moments we have, even if they seem few and far between. And I will enjoy this happy baby.


finnish mama said...

Oh Marisa, (this is Heidi by the way) I assure you that you are NOT alone! I was just saying yesterday how my children have taken turns and sometimes overlapped being sick for the past month or so and thus the whininess NEVER ends. I too get frustrated on a daily basis struggling to convince Savannah for an hour that she needs to take her medicine as she screams and cries out for her daddy. HANG IN THERE! You are an AMAZING person and mother.

NW Varneys said...

You are a GREAT mom! And you are not alone in your feelings. Just today I was wondering if there is a witty, wise solution to getting Trey to really catch on to the whole listening thing. And the whole obeying thing. Because I hate nagging and repeating with no result other than both of us getting frustrated. I don't have a good answer, other than savor those good moments, and go read Elder Ballard's conference talk. And sneak out without the kids next chance you get! We need another Ladies' Night..... Didja hear that, Becky?! :)

Mary said...

How ironic, just today I've been feeling like I must have messed up the last 6 years because my kids have been SO BAD today. I feel like such a failure! I was just taking some time to catch up on blog reading and read this post and was so relieved to find I am not alone in my feelings. You are an amazing Mom and an inspiration to me. Keep up the great work! You're kids are so beautiful and growing up so fast. To this day you are the best visiting teacher I ever had and I miss you.

Unknown said...

Okay Marisa name the day and time you want I am going to have a Girls night out here at my house, sappy chick chocolate,chocolate,chocolate!!!! I heard loud and clear Julie!Anyone want an impromtu one this Friday night..I'm game!or the 25th or the 8th? Anyway let me know because we, your friends are here and we want to give you a break that you sooooo need...and lady you are soooooo not alone in how you feel...maybe we can brainstorm some ideas or uh...drown ourselves in chocolate..hmmmm...okay just let me know!