Monday, November 12, 2007

A Beautiful moment and Merry Christmas BJ

I had one of those moments the other day that just made me so happy to be a mom. BJ was asleep on my bed and I was going to wake him up because we are working on getting him to sleep more at night and this was around dinner time. I mentioned it to Sissy and she wanted to help. So she went on the bed and layed down next to him and rubbed his head and face until he woke up and started playing with her. They were just so cute lying there giggling and BJ batting at Sissy's nose. It seems silly, but it was a beautiful moment for me.

This toy is I think the most expensive thing I have ever purchased for any of my children (including furniture) at $80. But it is really fun, and I justified it by telling myself it is his Christmas present early and because I got a free turkey by spending $100 at Fred Meyer. He really just likes it I think because he is sitting up and can see what's going on. The toys on it have been played with much more by the siblings.

An update on the sugar fast-- It's going really well, and I even considered extending the time. However, this Thursday is my book group's Christmas party at which there will be lots of delectable goodies. So maybe after the holidays... I think Russ will be happy when I'm done with it too, because then we can make some desserts. He has been very supportive of my 2 week goal though, and last night we had fresh bread with butter and honey for dessert. Yum!


Maren said...

I completely understand about those type of moments between siblings. I love them! I just wish they happened more often - but then perhaps I wouldn't appreciate them as much!

heidi and tom said...

I LOVE beautiful moments like that with the kids. It's moments like that when you get little pay offs for working so hard as a mom. And heaven knows we need them!!

love you sc,