Monday, November 19, 2007

Thanksgiving is coming!

I thought these were some fun pictures of BJ. He sure loves his toes! When I change him I have a hard time putting his feet back in his pants or jammies, because he won't let go of his toes, and apparently they are very yummy. And what is it about puting animal faces on babies bums that is so cute? I am grateful for cuteness, because it sure can make me forget a lot of stressful stuff.
I am excited that my parents and my brothers John and Bill are coming here for Thanksgiving. It is fun to be the host, but also a little stressful. The good thing is that my family doesn't have the highest of expectations when it comes to cooking-- I think they'd be happy with whatever. But anyway, Russ and I have all the food planned and some of it made already. It is going to be a busy week getting ready for Thanksgiving. You can stop reading now because the rest of this blog entry is my boring to-do lists

-Get a new spare tire for our car.

-Clean the kids rooms.

-Straighten the storage rooms.

-Buy John's Christmas gift at Target.


-Visiting teaching

-Parent teacher conference

-Make pie crusts

-Start brining turkey


-Grocery shopping

-mop floors


-spot clean bathrooms

-Make jello

-prepare guest beds

-wrap gifts

-clean basement, kitchen, and entryways
I better get started.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Did you get it all done? That sounds very ambitious. I hope your Thanksgiving day was great.