Friday, November 2, 2007

So far, so good

So the sugar fast is going well so far! Not as hard as I thought. I am still hungry all the time though (from nursing a very fast-growing boy) and struggle to find good things to snack on. My favorites are nuts and dried apples. Though I admit a few potato chips and cheese sticks have filled the void. I am pleased though that the kids aren't obsessed with their candy. One or two little treats a day is fine, and overall they are eating less sweets because I am not eating them.

I love having a crafty husband. We need a new quilt for our bed, so he revised a pattern for us and we are going to Portland tomorrow to get some good fabric. I would like to think that I will help a lot with the quilt, but in reality if I help a lot I will just slow it down.

1 comment:

Kayli said...

Hey Marisa,
I found your blog through Charlotte's. It is fun to "see" you. Your kids were way cute in their Halloween costumes. That was pretty funny that your daughter wasn't too satisfied with your tree costume. Hazel said I had to be a princess, and she said we could go buy a princess dress for me. Funny girl.
Yeah, I've been eating way too much candy, even getting a little sick of it, which NEVER happens, but I don't think I will go on a sugar diet. It might kill me. ;)
Have a good one!